Contact HomeContact A FULL SERVICE Providing a wide range of services related to the factory production lines. You will find yourself working in a true partnership MAINTENANCE Providing a wide range of services related to the factory production lines. You will find yourself working in a true partnership DELIVERY Providing a wide range of services related to the factory production lines. You will find yourself working in a true partnership Schreiben Sie uns Ihr Anliegen ABSENDEN Δ Lassen Sie uns Ihr nächstes Projekt starten! NRW Stahlbau Hörder Semerteichstraße 183 44263 Dortmund Germany E-Mail und Telefon +49 231 42 77 54 72 Bürozeiten 8:00 - 16:00 [MO-DO] 8:00 - 12:00 [FR]